GENI Regional Workshop at University of Oregon
November 3-4, 2017
The GENI Regional Workshop (GRW) will be held at the University of Oregon Erb Memorial Union in the Crater Lake North (EMU 146) and Crater Lane South (EMU 145) rooms.
Network Connection
UO provides two wireless network access points for non-uo memebers, UO Guest and eduroam:
- UO Guest: Guests can log onto the UO-Guest wireless network, and follow the registration instructions in the prompt. This account is good for 7 days. For detailed instructions, please visit https://it.uoregon.edu/guest-wifi.
- eduroam: Vistors from eduroam particapting institutions can also use eduroam to get Internet access. Visit https://it.uoregon.edu/about-eduroam for more information.